The Bible,The Malay Muslim and Islam.

Its been awhile i didnt update anything here,i have decided to stop blogging before this.Then this topic are all over Facebook and even on Tv3(yang memang berita dia selalu menipu saja),so i cant help myself not to share my thought and my view for this topic.So lets start with an introductions that so simple to understand,please open your mind a bit and if you cant do that,you may leave this page and stop reading.

Its a sad case recently that the Selangor Islamic Religious department (JAIS) raided the Bible Society of Malaysia on Thursday,seizing 300 copies of the Al-kitab or Malay-language Bible and even detaining its chairman and office manager.Why did they do that?,for what?,even im not really a healthy muslim (imanku senipis kulit bawang,at least i know my iman),theres no words or verse in the Quran that tell them to do just that.The saddest part is when i heard that some people are blaming Islam for that,you should understand,its not the act of Islam,its the act of a few fellow of Muslim that dont even trust in their faith and dont really know their iman.People should understand,Muslim is the people that embrace Islam as their religions and Islam is a beautiful religions that never will approve of something like this.Salahkan this few Muslim fellow,jangan salahkan Islam ya kawan2.

The Bible or The Injil.

Alasan merampas Bible yang kena cetak dalam bahasa melayu,disebabkan takut akidah seorang muslim terpesong kalau membaca Bible tersebut,bagi saya tidak dapat diterima akal and one word for that "Bullshit".Ramai cendekiawan Islam yang membaca dan mengkaji Bible,kenapa mereka tidak terpesong?,jawapan yang amat senang,sebab mereka yakin dengan kepercayaan mereka dan iman tidak mudah goyah.Even bagi seorang muslim macam saya,yang iman senipis kulit bawang,tiada sebarang tanda2 ataupun rasa ingin memurtadkan diri lepas baca Bible.Membaca sekadar untuk memahami dan bukan untuk mendalami,kalaupun Bible dalam bahasa melayu kena rampas,kalau memang siapa2 berniat untuk murtad,baca Bible bahasa cina pun tetap murtad.

Dr.Zakir Naik read and memorize all the verse in the Bible and he's still a faith muslim.

Sebelum saya akhiri entry post ini,sama2lah kita menghormati agama orang lain.Percaya dengan apa yang kita percaya dan hormati keputusan mereka untuk percaya denga apa yang mereka percaya.Kenapa post saya separuh english and separuh melayu?,adakah sengaja untuk merojakkan kata2?.You can see here,apa pun yang cuba saya sampaikan,biar apa bahasa pun yang saya gunakan,kalau anda cuba faham anda akan tetap faham.Diharapkan apa yang cuba sampaikan,sudah sampai kepada anda semua.Apa2 kesalahan yang saya tertulis disini ataupun setiap perlakuan saya,salahkan lah saya sebagai seorang muslim yang tidak sempurna,jangan disalahkan agamaku Islam yang indah.Have a nice day,god bless to everyone reading this and Assalamualaikum to all my fellow Mulsim.


adam said...

nice blog bro. now i can differentiate between muslim and islam.

on my own thought about the issue is, barang naik created this propaganda to divert the rakyat's mind about the GST and other price increses that burdens the rakyat's life even more.